Gulf Shores: Gulf Shores : CITY OF GULF SHORES, ALABAMA

1:07 AM


The City Council of the City of Gulf Shores, Alabama, met in special session on Thursday, December 8, 2005. Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Upon roll call, the following officials answered "present:" Councilman Doughty, Councilman Harris, Councilman Craft, Councilman Jones, and Mayor Duke. Councilman Garris was absent. The Mayor declared a quorum present.

The Mayor stated that due notice of the time, place and purpose of this meeting had been given to all members of the City Council and that each member had signed the acceptance of service of said notice, waiving all irregularities, if any, in said notice. The notice and acceptance of service and waiver signed by each member was ordered inserted in the minutes of this meeting at the end thereof.

Mayor Duke advised that the purpose of the meeting was to consider a Resolution imposing a 120-day moratorium on extended stay and multi-family projects in the BG (general business) and CD (commercial) Zoning Districts.

Councilman Craft reported on the public work session and stakeholder meetings that had been held this week in this regard and that the moratorium is needed to allow the City to adopt the appropriate zoning regulations for these Districts.

Councilman Doughty stated that the new zoning regulations could possibly be adopted at the Council Meeting of February 27, but no later than the Council Meeting of March 27.

Councilman Harris stated that he felt it was in the interest of the vast majority of the City to put a moratorium in place.

Councilman Jones expressed appreciation for the work done during the past few days however would not support a moratorium.

The Mayor also expressed appreciation for the work done and was in complete agreement that a moratorium should be in effect, however he would not support a moratorium at this time. The Mayor stated that he felt sufficient notice should be given prior to the enacting of a moratorium, and he felt that the action today was specifically targeting a project that everyone was aware was going to be submitting plans this week.

Councilman Harris, Craft, and Doughty all stated that they were supporting the moratorium for the good of the community as a whole. They denied any knowledge of a forthcoming project. All felt that a notice of a moratorium prior to the actual implementation of such would lead to incomplete plans being submitted.

Whereupon, Councilman Craft moved for the adoption of the following Resolution:


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